Curieux Hasard

19 nov. 20211 Min

Dernière Interview Youtube (en anglais) : Psychédéliques & Religions, Réalité & Conscience

Ma dernière interview est ICI, en anglais. Voici le programme des questions auxquelles je réponds, en rapport direct avec mon prochain livre à paraître 📖 :

  • What is the nature of the psychedelic experience ?
    Do we see reality the way we need to see it in order to survive ?
    How would you define or explain what is the ego ?
    Can art help us to connect to deeper or greater consciousness ?
    Is there a difference between the individual & universal "soul" ?
    Is there an intrisic meaning to human life ?
    Does digitalization bring us closer to the universal consciousness ?
    What role did psychedelics & entheogens play in religions ?
    What is the role of mythology and archetypes in our perception of the world ?
    What is the meaning behind religious fasting ?
    What is the influence of our diet in our perception of the world ?
    Where do dreams come from ?
    How do you conceptualize the relation between consciousness and subconsciousness ?
    How do you think breathing techniques like Wim Hof, or other exercises could bring up closer to a higher state of consciousness ?
    What if humans were not supposed to experiment enlightenment before death ?
